Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Use as Directed film (at onedotzeroadventures in motion festival) as story body system

If you happen to go to the onedotzero adventures in motion festival at the British Film Institute, from 11-14 November, you'll be able to attend a screening of Use as Directed by Ansted Moss, in Wow+Flutter 10:

Use as Directed from Ansted Moss on Vimeo.

Use as Directed is a story system about systems of convergence and conspiracy, where parts intersect and interact as a single body to accomplish a shared goal. Once connection between parts is established, the body system benefits from a combining of forces. The body system is a more powerful complex structure than any single part comprising the body system.

In the animation technique of this short film, some visual distinctness of each component of the composite structure remains apparent, loss of distinction tending to occur where boundaries touch and opportunity for merger is asserted to varying degrees on various scales. The merged form is the offspring of interaction (1+1=3 again, as Rima pointed out earlier in the semester).

Participation in this story body system does not render the components unable to be part of other systems, but some form of memory of having been attached to this Use as Directed body system will likely travel with the components into other systems of (temporary) connection.

Use as Directed explores formation of a story body system, and formation of purpose for body assemblage. In establishing configurability of the body, Use as Directed suggests that other configurations are possible; the built body could be unbuilt then rebuilt differently, that story related to stories of other configurations, but not exact duplicates, of course; any given configuration perhaps seemingly more endearing for the unlikelihood of exact duplication. Then too, this configurability suggests a generalized compatibility of parts, even that anything be considered a part, and certainly in the manipulation strategies of a maker, that which is prevented from being combined according to rules and obstructions of three-dimensional reality, can be combined in the various spaces and media of aesthetic and imaginative expression. Designation as part brings with that designation, an idea that part should connect with or be a component of something, should become a part of something, leaving bits and parts of itself behind during the tenure of the temporary partnership, and acquiring something from other parts of a body system in which a part has temporary membership.

Explore more of Ansted's visual theory at kna'

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