Friday, October 22, 2010

All the past stuff was just a part of the bigger picture

I haven't posted for a bit due to a large influx of projects, as well as my ideas changing rather rapidly to reveal some much more interesting and larger scale concepts that my previous ideas were but a small piece of. The lack of visuals is due to tue fact that none of these ideas are terribly visual, or at least I don't have the tools (yet) to show the concepts visually; pictures would only serve as distractions and eye candy.

Thee first step now is to either find some one (which is turning out to be the less possible route) or learning a language like R to code myself something to do fourier transforms on whole pieces of music as if they are one cycle of a waveform. The component harmonics will then have to be visualized in an appropriate way so different orders of magnitude can be seen to try to figure out if rhythms, structure, envelope, key and notation, and timbre qualities become apparent from the component audio and sub-audio frequencies. Can music (not musical notations which IS NOT music) be analyzed and visualized purely using the dimension of component harmonica of the whole.

How to pieces differ?
How do genres and movements differ?
What does it sound like if you re-synthesize the sound missing a certain order of magnitude of component frequencies?
What does taking the rhythm harmonics of one piece, the timbre of another, etc and synthesizing them together sound like?
Are their patterns and rules that can be used to generate wholly new music and sounds from the component harmonic level?
What if fractal patterns are applied?
Can the human aspect be seen? Reproduced?
Can the organic be faked?

Are their other techniques besides fourier transforms that can reveal new dimensions, more depth, new synthesis techniques?

The tools are relatively simple and common, the data sets are huge. There is a tiny chance humanity and the organic can be reconstructed, decomposed, and reinvented. This all will probably take years or even a lifetime to pursue. Fun, no?

1 comment:

  1. Let it also be known, I don't think I have an answer, just a good lead, and plenty of unanswered but answerable questions.
